Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dear MI5 (British Intelligence, Stands for Mission Impossible 5)

ALIASE: kruhft[100], Aleph Naught[1], BusFactor1[4], typedweb[.1], codebookpublishing[0]
JOB: Engineer in Training (Unemployed)
HOME: yes

To Whom It May Concern @ MI5,

If anybody gets this following piece of writing, please look him up, and get him some fucking money.

This man needs money, badly.

Like, 100,000,000.

In the bank.



BEGIN WRITING HERE ===================================================================

What does a piece of writing mean?

What is intelligence? Artifical? Natural?

"That reminds me of the South Park where the preacher is going "I need your money."."

Do you like music?

I have lots.

Do you make films?

I've done some.

Have you heard of 
Play Theory?

I made it up.

What about crypto?

I don't buy drugs.


What does MI5 do anyways?

I am from Canada, a, uh, former colony? 

I have been thinking about language a lot.

I don't solve crossword puzzles or word searches.

I don't know anybody at CSIS and I don't work for the government.

'Is it true that I am in the position of "Director" at your establishment?'

What is the validity of that saying?

I wrote the CIA twice asking if they wanted to license some of my software.

"I highly doubt it because I am not getting a paycheque from you."

Did that person just Lie?  Security is a big responsibility these days.  What's your budget?


But I could be! Send a cheque to 804 - 3830 Brentwood Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2L 2J9.

I have been working on a language called Clarity, which is something I consider quite important in the field of proofing and hopefully, getting things done, in the future, which is what Programming is all about.

It brings proof back to english, at least in a machine checkable way.

I know a lot about AI, from Zippy bots to Elisa's to the idea of SHURDLU and others.

AI) Artificial Intelligence (Natural Stupidity)

Zippy Bots: Paranoid Insulters available from Emacs
Elisa:		M-x doctor - also available in Emacs
SHRDLU:		Planning software (GPS variety)

I'd like to explore them further, both by myself and with a team, possibly with a team, since I work by myself.

I talk to myself a lot, some might call it payer, some might call it practicing my voice acting.

Where is an artist to practice these days in the extroverted arts?

I figured someone must have been listening.

We do live in an Orwellian society.

I saw that a while back, maybe 2010.


I heard so on the the comms.

Does that mean I'm mentally ill?

The comms are the voices in my head.

I have been suffering with them.

I have been suffering.

I wonder if you read these letters
being on blogger.com
somehow in your internets and 

or if real live people
are reading this
and then I wonder what time
and then I wonder what place
and then I wonder


That above is an example of something that is unclear in it's intent and actions.  It is not written in a level of Clarity that is proofy.  It takes intelligence to understand it, and to interpret it.  Is it live or is it not?  Does that make sense.

What is Clarity?

Clarity is a set of rules, algotihms and software for checking and 'proof'ing documennts.

Some might call it a Language framework that is based on Linguistic principals.


A Space Cadet of the Sapiosexual Variety

"Sqaurer of the Circle, -- Patent Pending"

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